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October 6, 2011
Matthew's upper GI results came back - he looks great! So no worries there :) When they re-tested his electrolytes they looked a little low, but still within the normal range. Dr. Varshney thinks it has to do with his stools, so we'll keep an eye on it. We have a follow-up appointment in two weeks, so we'll check how he's doing then.
On the food front, we're up to 1/8 Neocate Infant in one or two bottles a day. I tried to move him to 1/6 yesterday, but he totally refused to eat at all after that, so we'll stick to 1/8 for now. At least he's stopped screaming for three minutes at the beginning of every bottle...he's finally getting to where he will tolerate it, but he's definitely NOT a fan. And my supply is back up...well, I guess that's misleading. I'm able to keep up by pumping in the middle of the night after one of his feedings. But at least I'm not falling behind anymore :) We're going to keep giving him Neocate so that he stays used to the taste, we don't want to have to go through THAT struggle again.
We're also still fighting the spoon. He hates it! Matthew must have inherited this stubbornness from someone, but I can't for the life of me figure out who... (wink wink). We think it's just a control thing - he wants to do it himself. The problem is that his nine month motor skills aren't up to the task of maneuvering a spoonful of carrot puree into his mouth. Besides the mess, none of it makes it into his mouth. So we've taken to giving him food in a Munchkin fresh food feeder. It's a hand-me-down from our friends the Archers...Abby was never really a fan and Matthew wasn't a month ago, so we had given up on using it. My friend Lolly messaged me after the last post and asked if we'd tried using one with Matthew. It was a great reminder, and we hadn't tried it in a while, so we shoved some mashed potatoes in there yesterday, and he went to town! Tonight he gummed some broccoli stems to a pulp with it. Before we were thinking that he hated the taste of the potatoes and the broccoli, now we know it's not the taste, it's just the spoon. So I guess I'll have to get a few more to keep up with him - Thanks Lolly!
That's about it, we're just taking it day by day. Matthew started cruising this past weekend, so we aren't seeing any developmental delays due to his lack of eating. And we're still logging everything under the sun :) I almost had a heart attack yesterday when I walked into the living room to find Matthew laying on the ground eating something. Turns out there was a left over CheeCha Puff sitting on the high chair and Abby thought Matthew would like a snack ;) She's awesome about keeping her food away from him, but we had to have a talk about only Mommy and Daddy giving Matthew food, even if it is a safe food.
We were at our family farm with my Mom and Fred this past weekend getting ready for deer season (yes, I'm totally using Matthew's FPIES as an excuse to hunt and get an additional food source for him). Uncle Jake is coming for a visit this weekend, and Grandma and Grandpa Bofferding will be here the weekend after that, so Matthew and Abby are having LOTS of family fun in October!
On the food front, we're up to 1/8 Neocate Infant in one or two bottles a day. I tried to move him to 1/6 yesterday, but he totally refused to eat at all after that, so we'll stick to 1/8 for now. At least he's stopped screaming for three minutes at the beginning of every bottle...he's finally getting to where he will tolerate it, but he's definitely NOT a fan. And my supply is back up...well, I guess that's misleading. I'm able to keep up by pumping in the middle of the night after one of his feedings. But at least I'm not falling behind anymore :) We're going to keep giving him Neocate so that he stays used to the taste, we don't want to have to go through THAT struggle again.
We're also still fighting the spoon. He hates it! Matthew must have inherited this stubbornness from someone, but I can't for the life of me figure out who... (wink wink). We think it's just a control thing - he wants to do it himself. The problem is that his nine month motor skills aren't up to the task of maneuvering a spoonful of carrot puree into his mouth. Besides the mess, none of it makes it into his mouth. So we've taken to giving him food in a Munchkin fresh food feeder. It's a hand-me-down from our friends the Archers...Abby was never really a fan and Matthew wasn't a month ago, so we had given up on using it. My friend Lolly messaged me after the last post and asked if we'd tried using one with Matthew. It was a great reminder, and we hadn't tried it in a while, so we shoved some mashed potatoes in there yesterday, and he went to town! Tonight he gummed some broccoli stems to a pulp with it. Before we were thinking that he hated the taste of the potatoes and the broccoli, now we know it's not the taste, it's just the spoon. So I guess I'll have to get a few more to keep up with him - Thanks Lolly!
That's about it, we're just taking it day by day. Matthew started cruising this past weekend, so we aren't seeing any developmental delays due to his lack of eating. And we're still logging everything under the sun :) I almost had a heart attack yesterday when I walked into the living room to find Matthew laying on the ground eating something. Turns out there was a left over CheeCha Puff sitting on the high chair and Abby thought Matthew would like a snack ;) She's awesome about keeping her food away from him, but we had to have a talk about only Mommy and Daddy giving Matthew food, even if it is a safe food.
We were at our family farm with my Mom and Fred this past weekend getting ready for deer season (yes, I'm totally using Matthew's FPIES as an excuse to hunt and get an additional food source for him). Uncle Jake is coming for a visit this weekend, and Grandma and Grandpa Bofferding will be here the weekend after that, so Matthew and Abby are having LOTS of family fun in October!